The Tiramisu project (2019-1-IT02-KA201-062319) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Date of the Conference


Place of the Conference

Kaunas, Lithuania


114 participants: 63 participants attended the event including 31 participants from other schools, colleges, policy makers and first aid practitioners’ institutions) and 39 participants listened to the event online)

The profile of teachers involved – Civil Safety, Biology, Human Anatomy, Health Course, and other subject teachers, lecturers of first aid, policy makers.

On March 9, KTU Vaižganto Progimnazija invited Lithuanian teachers to the National Conference "Education of First Aid in Schools and Its Practical Importance". The aim of the conference was to introduce the innovative TIRAMISU first aid training products created during Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for Innovation Development project "First Aid - Improves Survival (TIRAMISU)” and to share best practices in the first aid training as well as to get practical advice from the first aid professionals.

In the plenary part, the principal of the progymnasium Lydija Merfeldienė welcomed the participants of the conference and emphasized that the knowledge of the first aid is relevant in every person's life and to be able to provide help to another person - first of all, it is our civic duty. Alvydas Bakutis, a methodologist at Kaunas Education Innovation Centre, explained that against the background of the present turbulent political situation, this need seems even more important and that first aid skills need to be learnt in early age. Kristina Grigaitė-Bliūmienė, Deputy Director for Education, introduced the international and associate partners of the Erasmus + project in Lithuania, teachers Rita Staugienė, Laima Pranukevičienė, Tomas Gulbinas and Rima Kubiliūtė introduced TIRAMISU digital tools: e-Learning Course, Handbook of First Aid and Interactive Wizard and shared best practices how to integrate the intellectual outputs  on first aid into the lessons of Civil Safety, Biology, Anatomy, Health Course and ICT.


The Head of the Internal Medical Audit Division of Kaunas City Ambulance Station and the chief training instructor of first aid at the Crisis Research Centre Danutė Valaitienė presented the teachers about the most common injuries of children and young people and the first aid in these cases. In the second part of the conference, Danutė Valaitienė demonstrated a case study method widely used in Health Sciences including the TIRAMISU first aid training tools. This method introduces experience in the field, analyses it, summarizes it, and applies the acquired skills in practice.


The participants of the conference actively participated in the part of strengthening the practical skills of first aid, which was led by the President of the Lithuanian Paramedics Association Rytis Malašauskas, Irena Malašauskienė, a lecturer and students from the College of  St Ignatius Loyola. Analysing the accidents reported in the TIRAMISU first aid training materials, the teachers practically learned Basic Life Support actions in case of the cardiac arrest, drowning, bleeding and choking. Danutė Valaitienė taught the basics of first aid in case of traumatic injuries. Also, the participants had a practical lesson by Tomas Gulbinas and Laima Pranukevičienė on the use of the TIRAMISU portal and the new training tools: E-learning course, Handbook of First Aid and Interactive Wizard.


The aim of the e-learning course is to provide knowledge of anatomy and physiology, knowledge of the functions of the main organs, how to recognize health disorders and symptoms of dangerous conditions, prevention and assistance actions based on the latest medical research. This course consists of three parts: the initial questionnaire, theoretical guidelines and the final questionnaire. The course consists of 6 sections: Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation, Respiratory Disorders, Traumatic Injuries, Poisoning, Environmental Injuries and Nervous System Disorders.


The Handbook of First Aid and Interactive Wizard consists of 8 sections. In addition to the above mentioned topics, training is also provided on how to call the emergency system and how to deal with an explosion, chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological disaster. The first aid guide can be used as a teacher's book to find more information. Each section consists of an introduction, a description of 3-5 situations and first aid steps. The material can be photocopied in parts, used in a variety of teaching methods. Theoretical material or help step algorithms can also be used together with the Interactive Wizard.


The Interactive Wizard is a simulation-based training tool that allows you to test your first aid knowledge. Each section contains three illustrated situations. Five or six questions need to be answered when analysing a situation. After choosing the answer, the student immediately finds out if he/ she has made the right choice and receives a brief comment.

The video of the event is available online following this link: